Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

GABPALS INC (GABPALS), is committed to privacy practices in line with legal obligations to lawfully collect, process, use, and protect Personally Identifiable Information (PII). This Privacy Policy outlines the kinds of PII GABPALS collects via its Website and App, how the PII is used, processed, and secured, as well as Website and app User’s rights pertaining to said PII.

Company Information

Company is GABPALS INC.


“GABPALS,” “Company,” “We,” and “Our” refers to GABPALS INC “Website” refers to

“App” refers to the GABPALS app

“Gabber(s)” refer to the independent contractors available for chat via the GABPALS Website or App “User” and “You” refer to those visiting and accessing Company Website or App

“Personally Identifiable Information (PII)” refers to information that identifies, relates to, describes, or is capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with a particular consumer or household

Acceptance Of This Privacy Policy

Continued use of Company Website, App, or other interaction with Company, constitutes acceptance of this Privacy Policy. Further, this Privacy Policy is incorporated into the Company’s Terms and Conditions. Acceptance of the Terms and Conditions is also required. By continued use of Company Website, Apps, or other interaction with Company, you certify that you have read and understood both this Privacy Policy and the Terms and Conditions and agree to be legally bound by them.

Scope Of Privacy Policy

The scope of this Privacy Policy applies to all of Company’s collection and processing of PII including information collected via the Website, App, or other potential points of contact or colelction.

The Categories Of PII Collected

Company collects a range of PII from various sources. Here, Company outlines both the kinds of PII collected as well as how such PII is collected.

PII Provided Directly To Company

When User interacts with Company, whether through the use of Website, App, placing an order, contacting Company via phone, email, or other means, by creating an account, or signing up for Our newsletter, among other interactions; various kinds of information is collected from or provided by User. Such information may include name, email address, phone number, mailing address, payment information, and IP address, among other information. User warrants that they are authorized to provide any PII supplied to Company.

PII Provided To Company Through Service Providers

Company’s affiliates and service providers may collect information from you on Our behalf. For example, User may receive prompts or emails requesting PII, such as via a survey, for the submission of a review, or to participate in a contest or sweepstakes. Said PII may include but is not limited to User’s name and email address. Any PII shared with service providers will be subject to their respective policies and will not be subject to the practices and protections outlined in this Privacy Policy.

PII You Post

Information publicly posted, for example, when leaving a review may be publicly available. Therefore, care should be taken concerning what kind of information is included in reviews and other publicly available information.

PII You Disclose To Gabbers

Information Users share directly with Gabbers is not subject to this Privacy Policy. The collection or receipt of your information by Gabbers is subject to their own privacy policies, statements, and practices, and under no circumstances are We responsible or liable for Gabbers compliance therewith. Therefore, care should be taken concerning what kind of information, whether PII or not, shared with Gabbers.

PII We May Get From Others

We may get PII from service providers and third parties to conduct Our business more effectively or market Company products and services. For example, Company may use User validation or data enrichment services to ensure that Company has accurate payment information or to attain a better ad targeting profile of a User to send them digital or direct marketing messages. We may also get PII about you from other Users, for example, if someone purchases a gift card for another User.

PII We May Get On Our Own

Company may collect User PII from publicly available sources and the public domain.

Information Automatically Collected, Cookies, And Related Technology

When User visits Company Website or Apps, Company may automatically collect various kinds of PII. The uses of this information, whether it be logs, device information, or via the placement of cookies, tags, scripts, beacons, or software development kits (SDKs), range from being able to effectively run Company Website or Apps and avoiding abuse to being able to more effectively market Company products and services to both potential Users as well as past Users. PII automatically collected by Company may include account information, IP address, MAC address, browser, device, location, usage data, and operating system type, among other information.

How Collected PII Is Used

PII provided to Company is used for a variety of purposes including the following:

  • To respond to inquiries;
  • To manage User accounts;
  • To operate, improve, troubleshoot, and maintain Company Website, Apps, and overall business such as through analytics;
  • To run contests and sweepstakes;
  • To develop new products and services;
  • To protect Company;
  • For the processing of payments;
  • To provide products and services;
  • For the provision of marketing communications including via email, text, and phone; and
  • To employ a variety of advertising including targeted ads based on interests and other data markers as well as tracking and measurement.

How Collected PII Is Shared

Company does not disclose User’s PII to third parties, except in the following scenarios:

  • To Gabbers on the platform who provide chat services to Users;
  • To companies and vendors that provide services to Company or perform functions on Company’s behalf and have agreed to use your information only for the purposes Company delineates, to include payment processors, marketing and advertising services, among others;
  • To unrelated entity partners and companies to engage in joint marketing activities;
  • When Company believes disclosure is appropriate to comply with applicable law, legal process, and regulatory authorities;
  • When Company believes disclosure is appropriate to enforce Our Terms and other agreements or to protect Company’s rights, Company’s Users, Company’s property, Company’s employees, or others;
  • If Company is involved in a business transfer such as a merger, acquisition, bankruptcy, partial or total sale of assets, or other corporate change; and
  • When User requests or consents to additional sharing or transfer.

Company may disclose or otherwise share information that is not PII (PII) due to anonymization or some other method that results in aggregate data not subject to de-anonymization.

How To Manage Your PII And Communication Preferences

We want to ensure that Users are able to manage the kinds of PII we collect, process, and store to the extent possible and in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

PII Provided To Us

Where Company has collected Users PII based on User providing it, User may have the right to delete said PII. Users can do this by contacting Company on Our contact page.

PII Collected Automatically

At this time, Company does not respond to “do not track” signals of web browsers. With that said, browsers and devices offer a number of tools that allow Users to control whether certain kinds of PII are collected by Company, and Company encourages Users to make use of such options should they wish.

Opting Out Of Marketing Communications

Certain communications, such as marketing emails can be terminated by accessing the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email.

For Residents Of California

To the extent Company is subject to California privacy laws, Users residing in California are afforded the additional rights listed below.

The Right To Notice Of Categories Of PII Collected

Company may collect the following categories of PII as per the definitions outlined under California law:

  • Identifiers;
  • Characteristics of protected classifications;
  • Geolocation data;
  • Internet/electronic activity;
  • User records information;
  • Commercial information; and
  • Inferences drawn from the categories described above in order to create a profile about User to reflect User preferences, characteristics, behavior, and attitudes.

See the section titled TheCategoriesOfPIICollectedfor additional details on the PII collected by Company.

The Right To Notice Of How Collected PII Is Used

See the section titled HowCollectedPIIIsUsedto understand how Company uses information.

The Right To Notice Of How Collected PII Is Shared

Please see the section titled HowCollectedPIIIsSharedto understand how Company shares information.


The PII Company shares include online identifiers such as IP addresses and device identifiers for online advertising. These identifiers being shared make it possible for Company to advertise to Users via platforms such as Facebook and Google. Said platforms may use this data to provide advertising services to others as well. Sharing this information with these service providers may be considered a “sale” of PII

under California law but Company does not receive money in return and the information shared does not include User’s name or other contact information.

Learn how you can opt-out of the sharing of this kind of information that may be deemed a sale (if applicable) by contacting Company via Our contact page.

The Rights Of Access, Deletion, And Equal Service

As a resident of California, Users also have the following rights (subject to exemptions under the law):

  • Access: The right to request to know the categories of PII Company collects, the purpose for collecting and using such information, the categories and sources of said information, the categories of parties Company shares or sells PII to (if applicable), and the specific PII Company has collected about you;
  • Deletion: The right to request deletion of PII Company collects or maintains;
  • Opt-Out: The right to opt-out of any sale of PII; and
  • Non-Discrimination: The right to non-discriminatory treatment for exercising your rights under California law.

How To Exercise Your Rights Under California Law

To exercise your rights under California law, such as that of access, deletion, opt-out, and

non-discrimination, please contact Company via Our contact page. We will employ verification procedures in line with California law to ensure that you are authorized to exercise these rights.

For Residents Of Nevada

Company does not sell User’s PII as per the definition of “sale” under Nevada’s Revised Statutes Chapter 603A.

For Residents Of The UK, EU And EEA

As per the UK and EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), residents of the United Kingdom (UK), the European Union (EU), and European Economic Area (EEA), are afforded rights pertaining to the processing of their PII. “User” and “You” in this section refer to residents of the UK, EU, or EEA who are visiting and accessing Company Website or Apps.

Data Controller Vs. Data Processor

Company, in its general operations, is ordinarily deemed a data controller under the GDPR as opposed to a data processor. For this reason, data processing inquiries and requests relating to the rights afforded under the GDPR should be directed to Company.

The Legal Bases For Processing Of PII

As per the GDPR, Company utilizes a variety of legal bases for the processing of User’s PII, which are listed below:


Company may process PII on the basis of User’s consent; at times, implicit consent where allowed, and at times explicit consent, where required.


Company may process User PII to meet obligations necessary under a contract with User, to take action based on User request, in anticipation of forming a contract with User, or as is otherwise necessary for Company’s contractual relationship with User.

Legal Obligation

Company may process, use, or disclose PII when necessary to comply with a legal obligation.

Vital Interests

Company may process, use, or disclose PII where necessary to protect the vital interests of an individual.

Legitimate Interests

Company may process PII on the grounds of legitimate interests of Company or third parties where such interests are not overridden by balancing the interests and fundamental rights of Users.

The legitimate interests of Company may include:

  • Marketing activities;
  • Analyzing and improving Company;
  • Protecting the interests of Company, Users, and employees;
  • Order fulfillment; and
  • Among other activities which benefit Company.

Rights Afforded Under The GDPR

The Right To Be Informed

For information about the kinds of PII collected, processed, shared, and stored, please refer to the sections titled TheCategoriesOfPIICollected, HowCollectedPIIIsUsed,and HowCollectedPIIIsShared.

Further, please review the section titled Cookiesfor information about which cookies are utilized as well as how to block such cookies.

The Right Of Access

User’s may have the right to access and receive a copy of their PII. To exercise this right, please contact Company via the contact page.

The Right Of Rectification

User’s may have the right to rectify their PII. To exercise this right, please contact Company via the contact page.

The Right To Erasure

User’s may have the right to the erasure of their PII. To exercise this right, please contact Company via the contact page.

The Right To Restrict Processing

User’s may have the right to restrict the processing of their PII. To exercise this right, please contact Company via the contact page.

The Right To Data Portability

User’s may have the right to portability of their PII. To exercise this right, please contact Company via the contact page.

The Right To Object

User’s may have the right to object to the processing of their PII. To exercise this right, please contact Company via the contact page.

Rights Relating To Automated Decisionmaking Or Profiling

User’s may have rights if Company conducts automated decision-making or profiling. Currently, Company does not conduct such activities.

International Transfers of Data

Company is based in the United States and the recipients of PII Company collects and shares, as is outlined under the “How Collected PII Is Shared” above, may also be located in the United States or some other jurisdiction. PII may be transferred, stored, and processed on servers outside of User’s jurisdiction of residence, where privacy protections are lesser than those of User’s jurisdiction of residence.

Continued use of Company Website, App, or other interaction with Company, constitutes consent to such transfer.

Data Retention Policy

User’s PII is retained for as long as it can be used for the purpose it was collected, or for the lifetime of the account being active, whichever is longer, and for any additional purposes related to the improvement of the business and to protect the rights and interests of Company.

Securing PII

Company implements reasonable safeguards in line with its sector to protect User’s PII.

Third-Party Websites

Third-party websites and services, whether accessed via a link on Company Website or App, to make a payment via an embedded or outside processor, or to login to your User account on Company Website or App through a third-party service (such as a social media platform), are subject to the respective third party’s policies and are not governed by this Privacy Policy.

Children’s Privacy

Company’s services are not aimed at children under the age of 18 and Company does not knowingly collect PII from children under the age of 18. Should you be the legal guardian of someone younger than 18 that has provided Company with their PII, please contact us via Our contact page and Company will take the necessary steps to delete such information.


Any part, provision, or representation of this Privacy Policy that is prohibited or which is held to be void or unenforceable shall be ineffective to the extent of such prohibition or unenforceability without invalidating the remaining provisions hereof.

Changes To This Privacy Policy

Privacy and data protection laws are dynamic and subject to changes, which will likely result in Our Privacy Policy being updated. Company encourages Users to regularly review this Privacy Policy to stay updated on Our practices as it relates to the collection, use, sharing, and protection of PII. Continued use of Company Website, Apps, or interaction with Company after updates to the Privacy Policy will be governed by the updated policy.

Contact Information

Questions concerning this Privacy Policy should be directed to Company via the contact information on Company’s contact page.

Privacy Policy Last Updated

July 2022